Contract with California

The following, is section Six (6) of the Contract With California, as seen on the Constitution Party of California website.

Say NO!! to the ” Banana Republic.”
As of the moment of this writing the Constitutional Republic of the united States of America is in grave danger of becoming a ” Banana Republic;” : noun – ” a small country that is politically unstable and is dominated by foreign interests.”

This catastrophic change in both; the history and surface functioning of our government and country will occur if the Democrat Party candidate of the recent Presidential election, Joseph Biden, is sworn into office. This is because of the massive and monstrous fraud; i.e.; ” Coup d’etat ” ( noun – a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government ); which occurred where literally millions of votes were both added for Mr. Biden and shifted from President Trump to Biden.  

The united States will join the category of ” Banana Republic ” by the unprecedented, massive, and monstrous actions of the ” Deep State ” ( which in truth is a ” foreign interest ” ) in coordination with, and with total compliance from, the MSM in virtually completely covering up and ignoring the Mt. Everests of evidence regarding truly enormous and staggering vote fraud.  Promoting the ” hiding in plain sight ” of the corruption; most particularly by totally ignoring the ” Hammer/Scorecard ” programming of voting machines to switch votes, the similar ” Leonardo ” downloading of votes, and the Detroit mobilization of drug dealers via marijuana franchises; as just 3 examples of many; exposes the motives of the treasonous Killers who are attempting to murder our Constitutional Republic – the Plantation Masters/Elites who own the MSM, which is seeking revenge against President Trump for rightfully exposing them as ” Fake News ” and ” Enemies of the Republic ” ( our term ), and run The Deep State, in this case its subdivisions of the CIA and the NSA – the only organizations functionally capable of providing the necessary infrastructure and performing the actual ” hit.”  These are the ” hitmen ” for the assassination by vote fraud of The Republic; i.e.; the mess created by killing Kennedy with bullets was replaced by ” killing “/eliminating President Trump via computers.

With the fantasy of journalism ( full and impartial investigation and reporting of stories ) being fully exposed as a cruel and sick joke in our nation ( see here ultra pathetic lackeys/hacks/fakes/cowards/rodents such as Chuck Todd, Chris Wallace, Fredo Cuomo, George Stephanopoulus, and countless others ) the Plantation Masters are closing in on their goal of formalizing the permanence of fake elections; i.e.; ” Votes-R-Us “/Democrat Party fraud of not only this election but, especially, every future election within our nation; with their most outrageous and monstrous scam yet.

If The Elites, via their Deep State/CIA/NSA and MSM hitmen, successfully ” pull off ” this most obvious vote fraud in the history of our nation the possibility of freedom so long ago pursued by the Founding Fathers will be permanently ended as the Socially Engineered populace, with the thumb of the Plantation Masters/VPP permanently tipping the scale, will ” vote ” for policies and traitors which, and who, ” grease the skids ” for the end of our Constitutional Republic and its ” Borg assimilation ” into our previously mentioned ” New World Order “/” New Normal.”

Gone will be all of the freedoms which our country was founded upon inclusive of the 2nd Amendment and our even now rapidly diminishing/disappearing 1st Amendment.  Elimination of gun ownership and their eventual full confiscation ( an issue of extreme importance to the Plantation Masters ); in order to accomplish the full, permanent, and final slavery of our nation; will be a long term, difficult, but now finally completely achievable goal to be accomplished by multiple methods : elimination of ammunition, closure ( by both ” legal ” and/or other methods ) of gun manufacturers ( cancel their insurance ), further corruption of the legal system, and the inability to elect any 2nd Amendment supporter to elective office due to the permanent election corruption which is now being installed and will be continuously refined for more efficiency in secretly producing the desired results.
As demonstrated with the shameless cowardice and monstrous decline of the Supreme Court to even hear a case regarding the overwhelming evidence of vote fraud the ultra corrupted courts are now permanently closed to accepting any legal challenge to the death of The Republic.  The Plantation Masters/Elites/VPP have permanently seized control of the Judicial branch and will combine its carcass with their successful Legislative and Executive branch kills as trophies on the den walls of their castles.  The fantasy of independent judges will be more formally replaced with the cyphers/stooges, like John Roberts, who simply follow orders and happily betray The Republic in return for permanent prestige and crumbs from the tables of their Masters.

Combining these elements with ” Branch Davidian ” military attacks upon recalcitrant resistors ( now supplementable with armies of armed drones ) and the long term dream of The Elites/Plantation Masters to literally, and permanently, disarm America is now within sight.  The horrific treasonous groveling of the ultra violent Democrat Party; promoting and endorsing the Cuisinarting/Shredding/Mutilation/Abortion of children, ( especially blacks; See Below ) while actively working to both protect and promote criminals ( BLM and Antifa) and disarm/leave defenseless citizens; to the achievement of this objective is a key element of the Elite/VPP anticipated and so deeply desired Fall of America.  
Hence the Constitution Party of California, as the ONLY political party in the state which will:

1) openly declare and oppose both our Banana Republic and its/our now fully corrupted voting system(s); and

2) completely support our 2nd Amendment without qualification. In order to do this; it demands the following :

A)  A complete rejection of any manifestation of ” President Joseph Biden.”
As any claim to the Presidency by Mr. Biden will be founded on massive vote fraud such claims must be continuously and completely repudiated; i.e.; Mr. Biden will permanently be a ” Fake President ” due to the fake process which ” elected ” him.  
Until truly honest vote-fraud free elections are reestablished in our nation we will in fact be a Banana Republic ruled by the dictatorial ” Junta ” ( noun – a military or political group that rules a country after taking power by force ) of the Deep State controlled by its Plantation Masters/Elites creators with its figurehead puppet(s) of Biden, Harris, etc. who use their MSM 1984 ” Ministry of Truth ” to pacify the targets/citizens.

Additionally there is massive evidence ( inclusive of his own confession ) that Mr. Biden performed criminal actions during his Vice-Presidential tenure; i.e.; the extortion of the Ukraine government to protect his son from investigation regarding possible criminal activities.  
In accordance with these 2 issues ( massive voter fraud and the extortion of a foreign government ) along with other alleged criminal activities ( taking a ” cut of the action ” as ” The Big Guy ” in the foreign business dealings of his son ) we refer citizens to our developing website of ” ” where we encourage a developing national campaign by all citizens to place Mr. Biden under citizens arrest regarding such crimes so that he may be properly investigated and appropriately prosecuted in relation to possible criminal activity –
” Sir/Mr.Biden – I ( your name ) am here to place you under citizens arrest for crimes against the American people and government.”
Not one day should go by without citizens in all states from Alaska to Maine to Florida calling/protesting, 24/7, for the citizens arrest of the Fake President.
Acceptance of the Fake President will require acceptance of, and legitimize, the fake voting system which has ” elected ” him.  The Elites/Plantation Masters/ VPP/Deep State which performed this crime will have assassinated the Constitutional Republic of the united States – the greatest governmental development for the freedom and prosperity of all citizens in the history of humanity.  
These criminals/monsters must be stopped.

B)  Full transparency of all voting system algorithms and computer programs of all voting machines.

C)  A complete ban on the ability of any voting machine company an/or governmental voting entity of any size to ” clean,” reprogram, ” scrub,” or change any voting information in any way for at least 1 year after any elective process.  Total, and REAL, transparency of ALL vote counts will be a new absolute and non-negotiable requirement.

D)  An established legal requirement that each political party be allowed equivalent numbers of vote observers at all times during the vote counting process.  No observers will be banned, excluded, or hampered in any way during the vote gathering and/or tabulation processes.

E)  A complete ban on any outside internet connection to any voting machine during the electoral process.  The possibility of remote hacking of the electoral process must be completely eliminated.

F)  A full and complete investigation of the ” Hammer/Scorecard ” attack on the Presidential election process must be performed with full prosecution of all identified participants.  Additionally the ” Leonardo ” program and the Detroit mobilization of drug dealers must be 2 of the virtually countless additional frauds which must be exposed.

G)  A complete ban on ” ballot harvesting;” a process which allows political party hacks/lackeys to turn in bundles of formerly illegal votes in order to turn an election from its true winner.

H)  A return to previous standards for mail-on ballots ( MIB ); i.e.; a rejection of the new requirement for universal MIB which allows for, and encourages, massive vote fraud.

I)  The defeat of H.R. 1; a House of Representatives bill designed to permanently enshrine/”  legalize ” every possible corrupt voting practice so that the ultra corrupt/evil Democrat Party, the Official Party of the Plantation Masters, will never lose another election.  
The Constitution Party of California declares its complete and unconditional opposition to not only all corruption in the current/recent Presidential election process but also its continuation in the slightest possible form in any future elections.  This treasonous crime against our Republic must be immediately exposed and ended with all participants criminally prosecuted to the fullest extent possible.

Recommended Actions – 
Form an ” Arrest Biden ” organization in your county..Form a ” Real News ” organization in your county to expose MSM ” Fake News.”
Form a ” Honest Elections ” organization in your county.  Implement all of the above noted actions to secure honest