President Biden Behind Bars
Fake President Joe Biden Belongs In Jail - Help us Make It A Reality!

Dear Citizen –
Welcome to our developing website –
This website and its core mission and actions are developed by the Constitution Party of California which can be found at  Our actions regarding this website are summated in part # 6 of our ” Contract with California – 2021.

Our purpose and mission can be summated from our short statement below – the reestablishment of honest elections by destroying the massive voter/election corruption which falsely ” elected ” Fake President Biden and replaced our former Constitutional Republic with our current ” Banana Republic.”    The achievement of this objective will include many different factors inclusive of completely rejecting any pretended legitimacy by ” Emperor ” Biden or ” Empress ” Harris.

We believe that part of the very difficult and long process to save our Republic will involve continuous and growing protests throughout all corners of our nation which demand both fair elections, via stopping voting corruption, and the arrest and prosecution of culpable participants in the crime/Coup; inclusive of Mr. Biden.

We invite you to both develop your own innovative ideas to solve the problem and to correspond/collaborate with us in developing our national response to this horrific attack upon our Republic.

This website will change and advance as the battle progresses and as we all strive on the battlefield(s) to save our nation.  We look forward to working with you to save our great nation.

Don J. Grundmann, D.C.Chairman, Constitution Party of California 855-6FREEDOM

from our ” Contract with California ” – Text.